
November 25

Umar Hameed


How to Transform Mindsets with Hypnosis

On Episode 353 of The No Limits Selling Podcast, we have Sheila Granger. Sheila is a practicing hypnotherapist based in the UK, dedicated to helping other hypnotherapists to develop themselves and their businesses!

Sheila takes your hypnosis training to the next level with professional training that always delivers results. She provides hypnotherapists with highly practical courses that have been tried and tested worldwide and are highly relevant in today’s world.

Find Sheila Granger: Website

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This podcast is sponsored by No Limits Selling. It is a fun, fast-paced podcast that delivers hard-fought business advice that you can implement today to improve your sales and performance]

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Sheila Granger's Background

Sheila initially aspired to be a journalist but ended up working for the government as a fraud investigator for 20 years.

Her career was a significant people-watching exercise, piquing her interest in why people make certain choices and what drives human behavior.

This led her to hypnosis, combining her fascination with human behavior and the principles of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Discussion on Hypnosis and Mindset

Hypnosis is described as focusing attention and amplifying it, often leading to a state of relaxation.

Sheila and Umar discuss how hypnosis helps in quieting the conscious mind, allowing access to the unconscious mind's powers.

Application of Hypnosis in Schools and Sports

Sheila shares her experiences of working in schools and colleges, primarily focusing on exam stress and how it can trigger long-term anxiety.

She also discusses her work with sports teams, helping them improve performance by focusing on winning images and mental rehearsal.

Weight Loss and Hypnosis

The conversation shifts to the challenge of weight loss and the complexity of food in our lives.

Sheila emphasizes that while the basic formula for weight loss is eating less and exercising more, the real challenge lies in the mindset.

She highlights the importance of habits and associations in weight loss, noting that habits can change quickly, as seen during the pandemic lockdowns.

Hypnotic Techniques for Behavior Change

Sheila details a hypnotic technique involving creating aversion to unhealthy foods like potato chips by associating them with negative images.

The importance of trust between the hypnotist and the client is underscored, as it significantly impacts the effectiveness of the hypnosis.

Dealing with Deep-Seated Beliefs and Self-Image

The podcast delves into how internal beliefs about self-worth and protection can lead to overeating.

Sheila shares stories of clients whose eating habits were tied to deep-seated beliefs from past experiences, and how hypnosis helped them change these patterns.

Closing Thoughts

Sheila concludes by discussing the power of using our thoughts positively, akin to how television advertising influences us through repetition.

The session ends with Sheila providing her contact information for those interested in her services or methodology.

Questions & Answers

Who is Sheila Granger and what is her background?

What is hypnosis and how does it work?

Can hypnosis be used in educational settings?

How does hypnosis contribute to sports performance?

What role does hypnosis play in weight loss?

What are some hypnotic techniques for behavior change?

How important is the relationship between a hypnotist and a client?

Can hypnosis address deep-seated beliefs and self-image issues?

How can someone contact Sheila Granger for her services?

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About the author 

Umar Hameed

Umar Hameed is an expert in changing individual behavior and improving team dynamics. He uses techniques and tools from the world of Applied Neuroscience and NLP to make individuals and organizations more successful. His business savvy and neuroscience combination gives him the unique ability to help salespeople become exceptional. Umar is an international keynote speaker who has done presentations in 16 countries. ✅✅✅He is the author of three books; the latest is Unleash Your Crazy Sexy Brain!


hypnosis, mindset, weight loss

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