With great power comes great responsibility! The big idea here is co-existing. More often than not, companies merge together in order to facilitate growth in their business. With such collaborations, there are not just two varying companies but a mix of people with different beliefs and cultures comes together on similar grounds. The hearts of strong corporations that draw closer to fuse together bring their strengths to the table including their expertise, their enthusiasm and their creativity. With that, they also bring their concerns, anxieties and their fears.



Coming together on a single platform clearly creates room for disparity and disagreements in company ideologies. Since people are diligent with their efforts towards their businesses they wonder if their actions have any benefit for them as employees. Naturally, it creates fear, doubt, politics and a lot of negative friction. As collateral to this negativity, the organization tends to slow down in progress and the creative energy slowly starts to fade. Because people are now afraid to make challenging decisions, the company suffers going through a creative and emergent transition.

In order to encourage employees to work selflessly and gallantly, understanding the truth behind the team dynamics is the most important factor. As a leader, knowing and understanding the beliefs of your employees coming from different work cultures becomes a potential game changer for any successful organization. Being an awesome and inspiring leader for hundreds of employees, it would be at your number one priority to address the beliefs of the people. This one tiny yet sharp tactic can get your employees from thinking fearfully into thinking selflessly, investing their strengths and putting their best foot forward for the organization’s best interest.

Addressing the concerns and beliefs of your employees eventually turns the entire work dynamic around in the most productive of ways. It develops empathy within coworkers, it makes them great team members, it invigorates a great sense of responsibility to grow the organization and work efficiently in the company’s best interest and yet most of all, seeing their leader address their beliefs, it inculcates the same leadership qualities and passion as they see in their CEO perform in action.


About the author 

Umar Hameed


beliefs about sales, office politics, productivity

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