February 7

Umar Hameed


What is NLP?

[ video transcript]

Hello everyone my name is Umar Hameed and I want to share an idea with you. Well NLP has been an important part of my life for a very long time and here is how I got introduced to it. I was running a company, it was as a computer consulting company and I was doing well. My customers love me. I had passion for the work. I worked hard at it and everything seemed to be going okay until I took up squash and when I took up squash.

At squash, “I really sucked.” I was dreadful but a couple months later I got to the next plateau and 2 or 3 months later I am proved again and 2 or 3 months later again and one day I was like, “wait a minute how come I love both, I have passion for both, I work hard at both an businesses is coasting and sports is getting better all the time. What is going on?

So I was commiserating with a friend and he said, “Well you better go and see this woman called Una she is an expert at Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). So I went in to see her and I told her what was going on and she took me through a process that figured out what was the mental block that was stopping me from being exceptional in my business career and she did a NLP magic whatever it was but I could feel in my heart of heart something profound had happened and this was a permanent change. So as I left that session I made a promise to myself this is something that I must learn.

Years later I ended up being in Silicon Valley the birthplace of NLP. And I started studying it and became a practitioner. A master practitioner and then I went to New Zealand to become an instructor for NLP and the reason I like it, is that NLP creates change very, very quickly and it’s not a long drawn out process like a lot of therapies are and that is why I want to share this with the world. Is to teach them these tools and techniques that allows them to take mastery over who they are as human beings because the only thing that you can control in the entire world turns out to be your mind.

And the only thing that doesn’t come with an owner’s manual is this amazing mind and NLP gives you that owner’s manual. So for the first time you have mastery over how you feel, how you react and the behaviors you take to make you exceptional in every single area of your life whether it is your personal life, physical wellbeing, financially, professionally, spiritually NLP gives you the toolkit you need to become exceptional.

How To Get Quick Breakthroughs

What I am fascinated about is you know when change happens I called it the change point for example you can have someone that let’s say has trouble public speaking and every time they go up to speak they you know feel really uncomfortable.

Then one day they go up and something changes and they can talk comfortably. So I am not interested in the 20 years that took to get there but I’m interested in what happen in the moment of change.
Also, you can have someone go into a therapist let’s say for some kind of social anxiety. They go into the therapist and you know the therapist works with them for six months, eight months. Then one Thursday afternoon the therapist says something that create a profound impact on the patient and they have this breakthrough. I am not interested in the eight months of therapy but I’m interested in what did the therapist say and how did it create this amazing breakthrough for the person.

What NLP is all about is getting people to that change point very, very quickly and NLP has a vast tool kit of hundreds of tools that go in and figure out, “Okay, you are stuck here. Let us get unstuck now and NLP has speed, it has decades of data behind it and it’s the most powerful technology for change and existence and that is according to psychology today magazine.

Hope you enjoy this and I am going to go deeper into the subject on the very next video. if you like these videos please go to my website and hit the subscribe button so you can get more of these videos coming to you and you can also find a ton of mind training that will show you how to control the most amazing powerful thing in the world, your mind so you can get exceptional results in any endeavor that you choose. Talk to you later. Bye now.

The History Of NLP

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Hello everyone my name is Umar Hameed and I want to share an idea with you. The question is this, what is NLP? It depends who you ask. Let me give you a little bit of history about how NLP got started, there were 2 gentleman John Grinder and Richard Bandler and they were studying how exceptional therapist get amazing results.

They were looking at highly effective therapists that could get a person in crisis in a session or two and give them a breakthrough and change their lives. While other professionals that had more credentials, maybe more experience were for taking a really long time to create change.

And the question was, “What are these exceptional therapist doing”. And they singled out three primary therapist that were like masters of the craft.

The first one was Virginia Satir and she’s known as the Godmother of social work. She could bring a family in crisis, a family that was fighting, biting, kicking and really quickly she’d transform that family into a family that was communicating, connecting and back in rapport or back in love again and when they ask her how did you do that? How did you know when the father’s jump up and knocked over the chair and he was screaming, yelling how did you know to say the exact phrase to calm him down. And she would answer, “well I don’t know it just seem to be the most appropriate to do.”

The second person was Milton Ericson, he is the father of clinical hypnosis and he could get people that were really stuck and he would use hypnotherapy to create breakthroughs and they ask him also how do you use this technique or how do you know this person needed that technique. Many times it was more of an instinctive feel for what was going on, sometimes it just felt like the right thing to do.

The third person was Fritz Perls the founder of Gestalt Therapy, it was the same thing there was something that was more instinctual, just reactions. When they ask him, “why did you decide to do that?” He didn’t have a clear answer, so they figured excellence doesn’t happen in the conscious mind it happens in the unconscious mind.

There are processes going on that allow people to do exceptional things but these people can’t articulate completely what’s going on because it is happening in the unconscious mind, so they develop something called ‘modelling’ to figured out what’s going on internally for a person at an unconscious level.

Modeling allowed them to know exactly why Virginia Satir decided to do this action at this moment. Once they figure out what the unconscious process was they could teach it to other therapists. Now other therapists could get breakthroughs as quickly.

The same thing was done with Milton Ericson and Fritz Perls.

Modeling allows one to figure out what’s going on inside someone when they are doing something either fabulously effective or totally destructive. This gave them deep insights. A watershed moment for humanity. This was the first time we had insights into the inner workings of the human mind.

This was the birth of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Now we can study exceptional people and figure out how they do what they do. We can then teach at a subtle internal level the successful model to other people so they get exceptional results.

This was huge breakthrough for humanity. This is why NLP has been adopted all over the world in Asia, in Europe in the North America. NLP is bigger in Asia and Europe a lot of government training is actually centered in on NLP. They use NLP for training for all government employees.

This is how NLP got started.

If you are interested in this kind of stuff please subscribe to my videos. All you need to do is to go to my channel and hit the subscribe button or go to my websites at nolimitselling.com and you can get free leadership, sales and mind training. You can learn NLP from the comfort of your home. Hope you enjoyed this. Talk to you later, bye!
Three Areas People Get Stuck

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The first area is one’s beliefs. When a belief gets in the way it blocks you from success, You see, underneath every behavior that you do or a behavior that you are not doing is a belief that controls it.

A belief is like a black hole of gravity that locks the behavior in place. The behavior won’t change no matter how hard you try. Sometimes you can change a behavior temporarily. But the gravity is so strong that new behavior reverts back after a couple of days to the old behavior.

Limiting beliefs are one area where you can get stuck. Let me give you an example of that. I had this CEO who would take a long time to make a decision. He knew what to do but he would actually wait and wait before he took action. He had a belief inside at his unconscious level that, “I need to be liked.” If I make this decision, people may not like me was delaying his decisions. His unconscious mind stopped him from making decisions quickly.

He would eventually make the decision when the pain of not making the decision was so powerful that he overcame his belief allowed him to create the change. When he eventually made that change a lot of employees would come in to his office and say, “Thank God you did that. Why did you take a long time to make that decisions?”

The CEO had no idea why he was delaying decisions. NLP allows you to uncover what’s blocking you from getting exceptional results.

The second area where we get stuck is an automatic hotwired processes that gets automatically triggered. This trigger unleashes a process inside your mind that stops you from getting exceptional results. The good example would be someone who procrastinates. If you think about doing something, let’s say doing the taxes. As soon you think about it (trigger) it starts an internal process. The first step of this process could be an inner voice that says, “Is there something more important that I need to do?” Then a picture inside your mind’s eye of you doing that more important thing could be the next step. Finally, a feeling of you being calm could stop you from doing your taxes.

The problem is that this is happening at an unconscious level. All we are aware of is wanting to do our taxes and doing something else. “I thought about doing this thing at work and I decided to do something else” This is a pattern that we don’t realize is going on. It is a hotwired process that has a trigger. When the process kicks in the last thing in the world you would like to do is the task we originally intended to do. This is the second place where people get stuck.

The third place people get stuck is Inner Conflict, where part of their psyche knows that, “I could be great doing this task.” And another part of their psyche has doubts.

For example, let’s say the task is writing a book. I know I could write a great book. I have all this life experience that would make a great read and I’m a good writer. I know I can do this and I want to do this.

When I talk to you about writing my book I have a strong voice and use strong hand gestures. Then I use my other hand using weak gestures and use a weaker less certain voice to tell you all the reasons why I don’t have what it takes to write a good book.

When someone talking using strong gestures and a strong voice and a moment or two later they use their other hand with weaker gestures and weaker voice that’s a classic sign of an internal conflict that is blocking their efforts. NLP can solve this issue very quickly.

NLP is brilliant at changing limiting beliefs, NLP is brilliant at changing hotwires processes, And NLP is brilliant at changing resolving internal conflicts.

NLP allows you to breakthrough any barrier that stops you from being exceptional. It reduces any unwanted stress in your life. It allows you to be at peak of your game. So you know every single fiber of your being; mentally, emotionally and physically you are focused on the task at hand.

NLP is a ground breaking technology that allows you to maximize your potential in any endeavor you choose. It allows you to be at the top of your performance.

You can choose to learn this NLP and get the breakthroughs as you need to be exceptional. With NLP you will be able to connect and influence every human being you meet. If NLP was taught in elementary school every single human being would have ability to have the right mindset to be successful in any endeavor they choose.

My mission in life is to give people a powerful tool kit (NLP) that allows them to be exceptional in any endeavor. I hope you enjoyed this series. There’s another series coming up on the 4 biggest ideas that will let you build a successful life. I hope you enjoyed this and if you did go to my Youtube channel and hit the subscribe button so you can get videos coming directly to you.

Please share this series on social media. If you want to learn NLP please click the link on my home page to get free mind training.

Change Point – Where Change Happens Now

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What I am fascinated about is you know when change happens I called it the change point for example you can have someone that let’s say has trouble public speaking and every time they go up to speak they you know feel really uncomfortable.

Then one day they go up and something changes and they can talk comfortably. So I am not interested in the 20 years that took to get there but I’m interested in what happen in the moment of change.
Also, you can have someone go into a therapist let’s say for some kind of social anxiety. They go into the therapist and you know the therapist works with them for six months, eight months. Then one Thursday afternoon the therapist says something that create a profound impact on the patient and they have this breakthrough. I am not interested in the eight months of therapy but I’m interested in what did the therapist say and how did it create this amazing breakthrough for the person.

What NLP is all about is getting people to that change point very, very quickly and NLP has a vast tool kit of hundreds of tools that go in and figure out, “Okay, you are stuck here. Let us get unstuck now and NLP has speed, it has decades of data behind it and it’s the most powerful technology for change and existence and that is according to psychology today magazine.

Hope you enjoy this and I am going to go deeper into the subject on the very next video. if you like these videos please go to my website and hit the subscribe button so you can get more of these videos coming to you and you can also find a ton of mind training that will show you how to control the most amazing powerful thing in the world, your mind so you can get exceptional results in any endeavor that you choose.


About the author 

Umar Hameed


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