
Inspire Success: Partner with a Top-rated Motivational Speaker for Unforgettable Events

I am the happiest when I am on stage doing a keynote presentation and everyone in the audience is leaning towards me. Everyone is captivated waiting for the next insight that could be a game-changer for themselves or their organization.

Pat Komiske

Full of grit, substance and humor

Umar's Success Mindset Workshop was a welcome exploration into the deeper reasons behind our "why"! He illuminated the idea that our beliefs ultimately lead to our behaviors and he provided tools to remove the power behind destructive outcomes and gave us practical ways to head into our desired direction with a focused mind! Excellent presentation full of grit, substance and humor!

Great Presenter, Great Techniques.

Have you ever attended a presentation that had a significant impact on your life?

Umar spoke to a professional group I belong to, the Institute for Excellence in Sales. But he didn't just speak, he had us up and out of our seats, making neural connections and visualizing in a way that engaged both our bodies and minds.

What was so significant for me was the clarity of the vision I had while doing these activities - I could see a crystal clear picture of what I would be doing in a year's time. It was perfectly timed too as I was meeting with a marketing strategist that very same day.

Great presenter, great techniques.

Pattie Dash

Personally relevant and rewarding

Umar conducted two sessions with the 2018 Leadership Baltimore County class. I found his sessions, particularly our closing session, to be very well done. The activities and conversations were thought provoking and engaging. Not only was this opportunity professionally conducted but also I found it personally relevant and rewarding. The balance of understanding "self" in your leadership journey along with determining how to professionally grow through the activities was spot on! Well done Umar - thank you so much!

I always start my motivational speeches with a riveting story of transformation. No introduction, no background. You are right in the middle of a compelling situation.

It’s like turning on a TV and finding yourself right in the middle of the most exciting part of a movie. You have to know who these people are and what’s going to happen next. You went from zero to being riveted in a few seconds.

That’s what I want when I take command of a room.

My philosophy when presenting is to accomplish these goals:

  • Grab the audience by the throat from the first minute of the presentation and never let go
  • Give them powerful insights that they can’t wait to go home a share with their spouse. “Honey, you won’t believe what a learned today”
  • Be entertaining so they have a great time learning (and invite me back)
  • Make everyone in the audience feel like I am having an intimate conversation with them
  • Most of all, I want them to know they can break through any barrier that is holding them or their organization back
  • I have done keynote speeches at conferences in 14 countries. No matter where in the world you go people want to know, how can I get my employees and teams to break through their limitations so they deliver exceptional results.

Talk #1 – Neuroscience approach to building a more powerful mindset

Have you wondered what separates A-players from the B-players in a sales organization? A-players are few but generate a lot of sales. B-players know how to sell. They do a good job but never achieve greatness.

The paradox is that most B players want to get better. Their sales managers spend a lot of time and money to help B players get better. But most B players never make the jump.

In this presentation, I share applied neuroscience and NLP strategies that help salespeople, leaders and mere mortals’ breakthrough their limitations so they become awesomer. These bolder salespeople have more passion, tenacity, and drive resulting in more deals being closed. Imagine the impact on your organization if 20% of the B-players became A-players. It would be huge, right?

You will learn:

  • How to harness your crazy sexy brain
  • How to overcome fear and reluctance
  • What really drives human behavior?
  • How to get unstuck and improve your performance today

Talk #2 – Neuroscience approach to building stronger teams

Are you leaving 30% - 50% of your productivity unrealized?

Research proves that dysfunctional teams reduce productivity by 30%-50% because of office politics, ego, and selfishness. In America, we spend $100B a year to fix this problem with a 70% failure rate.

In this presentation, you will learn Applied Neuroscience strategies to transform average teams into exceptional ones. Teams where individuals go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the organization wins. This transformation changes the culture of the organization so people realize, it is not about me or my department. It’s about what I need to do to help my team out-think and outpace the competition. 

You will learn:

  • How to inspire people to go beyond their limitations
  • How to get team members to become unselfish in their actions
  • How to build an unstoppable culture of achievement
  • How to get everyone on the same page going in the same direction

Talk #3 - How to become the world’s best listener

Hear what people are really saying. Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, your sales, and on the quality of your relationships.

Most of us think we are good listeners but research proves that we are not. We only remember about 50 percent of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your clients, boss, colleagues, or spouse you only pay attention to less than half of the conversation.

By becoming a better listener, you can improve your productivity, close more deals, as well as your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate with others. What's more, you'll avoid conflict and misunderstandings. Being a great listener is a critical skill in sales, leadership, and life.

In this presentation, you will learn simple techniques to be fully present in all of your conversations. More importantly, the people you interact with will feel a stronger connection with you leading to a higher degree of trust.

You will learn:

  • How to be fully present in conversations 
  • How to build trust within minutes
  • How to uncover hidden issues when interacting with others
  • How to communicate your ideas more powerfully

Talk #4 - Killer presentation skills

Your presentation skills are just as important as the information you are presenting. Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill in getting your message across. More importantly, you need to be able to move your audience into taking the action you want them to take.

Great presenters can suspend reality for their audience so they go on a journey with them. This allows them to install an idea into the heads of their audience. Amp-up their emotions so they feel compelled to implement your idea.

In this presentation, you will learn elegant ways to put the audience under your spell so they get the message you are conveying.

You will learn:

  • How to structure a winning presentation
  • How to connect with the audience
  • How to influence the audience
  • How to amp-up your stage presence