Deep Relaxation

Kung Fu Panda was not wrong to find inner peace. After all, it is the root of all that keeps you composed and collected inside out. Allow this amazing meditation to go from stressed to calm in minutes. Just like a power nap, it takes you on a quick journey of relaxation and peace of mind, so you are refreshed and ready to get on with your day.

Closing Out The Day
Clearing your mind at the end of the day is just as important as clearing it at the beginning.
Listen to this beautiful meditation just before you go to bed to get a good night’s sleep. This meditation is inspired by Huna, a spiritual practice, used by the Hawaiian people, that allows you to make peace with all the important interactions you had today, wind them up and have a restful sleep. 

Inner Wisdom
Think of an issue you want to make a decision on. Are you sure about your choice or you feel you’re on the fence?
This mindset booster helps you gain access to your unconscious mind so you can find answers to important questions that you might be struggling with.  

Fall Asleep (30 mins)
There is falling asleep and then there is falling asleep peacefully. This amazing mindset booster will knock you out. It uses 30 minutes of advanced language skills from NLP to give you the sleep so that not only your body but your mind and soul feel rested as well.


Fall Asleep (60 mins)
There is falling asleep and then there is falling asleep peacefully. This amazing mindset booster will knock you out. It uses 60 minutes of advanced language skills from NLP to give you the sleep so that not only your body but your mind and soul feel rested as well.

Liquid Love Meditation
Gotta believe the Beetles when they say, All you need is Love. Love is all you need!
Feel this meditation pass through each part of your body as it immerses every part of your body in love to nurture and enhance functions. A great way to get centered so you can be at your very best.
