February 21

Umar Hameed


A great motivational speech carries a great amount of effort than what meets the eye. It is at the heart of good leadership that one must deliver a speech that goes straight into the mind and illuminates the heart. But it is not always as easy as it seems. Here are 7 easy steps to write a kick ass motivational speech.

1. “What’s the point?”

Most times we listen to someone give a talk and we have no idea what the talk was about? The question in our mind is “What was he or she even on about?” Here’s what to do: Make a point! Everything you will say in the content of your speech will surround that one point, the one theme that you want to sustain throughout your speech. Every time even you get distracted, it will be this point that will keep you from getting distracted.

2. Structure.

Much like an interesting story, a good speech also has a beginning, middle and an end. After all, when you’re making a speech you are performing and telling a story. Your audience is more likely to sustain their attention if you tell them early on what all you’re going to share with them. Like mileposts. Believe in storytelling and make your audience believe in the magic of storytelling as well. Giving your speech a good structure, being with an inspirational story, something the audience can relate to on an emotional level. Your audience will stick through your entire message till the end if you have emotionally appealed to them at the beginning.

3. Connect – Reconnect – Connect.

It may look like you’re the one doing all the talking, but a great speech is one that has a two way communication. Thinking that you knew the audience way before the speech began and would continue to know them long after they leave will build a special connection. It builds a strong bond between the speaker and listener.

When you use quotations to strengthen your point, it brings a great amount of credibility to your words. Using reference of famous political, religious and social figures in your speech will build connections between what you’re saying and how it’s authentic because it’s backed up by a credible source.

4. Be Whimsical in Your Writing.

Text is crazy! Sometimes something smart written on paper sounds doofus when said out aloud while other times something funny on paper works well when delivered orally. Key is to stay focused and keep driving back to the original point you are making in that speech. Repeat those points in different contexts and colours. The human brain is hardwired to understand things in different ways. Using a variety of appealing examples and methods will increases the chances that one of your stories will definitely resonate with each member of your audience.

5. Tell a story.

“Great stories happen to those who can tell them”. Pretty much! The human brain is also hardwired to react and associate better to stories than recitations.

When you’ve gathered all your points, go over your material making sure the flow of ideas is logical and seamless. It is advised to take a day between writing and reading your speech, letting yourself calm down, allowing yourself to rationally analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your speech more. And the added story in your speech will have a stronger standpoint than just being something to emotionally charge the audience. (or in addition to 😉 )

6. Rewrite and practice.

People who give great motivational speeches often reuse the same material. This is perfectly fine. After all, motivation of the human mind is driven by the same set of things, so it makes sense to reuse the sources of inspiration but in a variety of contexts. But while you recycle your material, be mindful that you continuously revise and practice. A little prep goes a long way. Writing a brief introduction for the moderator to introduce you will establish the background and purpose of your speech. And through constant revision of reused material, you will be able to give old message a new colour.

7. Leave Them Intrigued for More.

When you watch a new episode of Game of Thrones, you’re most likely left wanting for more at the end of every episode. Leaving your audience with a bit of mystery and magic not only keeps their interest in tact but it also tugs their hearts. It is so because 1, you have already emotionally engaged them with your super inspirational story and 2, you have driven a kickass point right back home. In conclusion, your conclusion should be something re-establishing the purpose of your speech and leaving your audience in a challenge, like the ball is in their court, calling them to action.

When you’re making a motivational speech, your intention should be as clear as sky. It should be just one thing only: to inspire a large amount of audience for a long period of time. If the audience take back home what you were trying to deliver as message, not only you have succeeded as a speaker, but you’ve succeeded as a leader.


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About the author 

Umar Hameed

Umar Hameed is an expert in changing individual behavior and improving team dynamics. He uses techniques and tools from the world of Applied Neuroscience and NLP to make individuals and organizations more successful. His business savvy and neuroscience combination gives him the unique ability to help salespeople become exceptional. Umar is an international keynote speaker who has done presentations in 16 countries. ✅✅✅He is the author of three books; the latest is Unleash Your Crazy Sexy Brain!


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